For removing orphaned files from c:\windows\installer you can use PatchCleaner.
There is two options: delete or move orphaned files to some directory.

For removing orphaned files from c:\windows\installer you can use PatchCleaner.
There is two options: delete or move orphaned files to some directory.
lib /def:some.def /out:some.lib
or in x64
lib /def:some.def /machine:x64 /out:some.lib
extract the functions and classes in *.dll by:$> dumpbin.exe /exports libsample.dll /out:libsample.def
edit libsample.def
and remove everything except function names (keep C++ name mangling chars). then add EXPORTS
as the first line. as:
run this line depending on architecture:$> lib.exe /def:libsample.def /machine:arm /out:libsample.lib
“Perfection is achieved … when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Run wmic first.
Silently remove list of programs by mask:
product where “name like ‘product%name%'” call uninstall /nointeractive
List of installed programs by mask:
product where “name like ‘product%name%'”
Description of Tab Grouper Opera plugin
Start to build Quadcopter or tricopter.